Daily fiber intake should be 25 grams for women and 38 grams for men. And that should be considered a minimum. Currently, adults average about 15 grams a day, with 90%+ not getting enough.
This fact somewhat implies that our diet is subpar, with few vegetables, and filled with low fiber foods such as white bread & rice, pasta, refined grains, processed, fast & packaged foods, breakfast cereals, often stuffed with sugar, and fried foods. You know, the typical, nutrient light, Western diet.
The good news is that if you increase your daily fiber from natural sources, it’s guaranteed you will improve your overall nutritional intake, because, along with fiber will come vitamins, antioxidants and all the other micronutrients you find in real food!
To address your fiber shortfall, take a few days and add up your approximate intake, how much for breakfast, lunch and dinner.
Then you can start to do something about it.